Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A to-do list that is never empty

No, I am not in a complaining mode here, but just thinking aloud as to how life has changed over these years. I never used to maintain a "to-do" list during the early days of my professional life and always used to think that folks who maintain it were either trying to be smart or funny. Over time,I've got myself into the habit of maintaining my to-do list. Initially, it used to be another additional (and painful) task to update the to-do list in itself, but then I forced myself to do it and now it has become a daily wont. The interesting aspect to this is that, somehow my list never seems to get empty. I've made some decent attempts to clean it up (not by deleting them) and have a blank list stare at me so that I smile back at it with satiation, but my list always has had the whip hand till date. I wrap up my existing tasks, but the end of the day sees new ones being added making it more like a vicious cycle (if I may call it one).

Yeah and I was saying I wasn't complaining! True, there is nothing to fret and fume here. Imaging life where there is nothing to do and no tasks on your to-do list. The initial pleasure could be immense but surely ephemeral. So it is after all good to have a to-do list that is never empty! :)

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