Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Capital punishment (no change in perspective)

It has been more than two years since I made my last posting on this strong subject. Today, reviving this back after a long spell has been nothing less than a satire on the human race. Capital punishment for those harbingers of terror needs no empathy from even the Almighty. Such simians are either wrong creations or right creations tread into the wrong path. They are weeds in the garden of life that needs to be ripped out out from time to time. Failing to do so would only mean to watch the fauna and flora of human life fade into a mirage.

I strongly feel that unless we put our foot down and prove it to the world that excercising capital punishment will not be debated under compelling circumstances, such incidents tend to rise up. We should not be reticent to crack the whip if push comes to shove. This is a time where we have not been just shoved, but quite literally jettisoned our peaceful and harmonious life out of us.