Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Fish Philosophy

I was traveling back to Bangalore on Sunday afternoon. Day time traveling could get quite boring if you did not have a book or a personal stereo and lucky for me, I had both! My brother, who is probably one of the most voracious reader I have ever come across, gave me these two books called "Fish!" and "Fish! Sticks" and told me that they are really worth reading. I wasn't very impressed with the first look of the books, but nevertheless took it along. I started reading the first one called "Fish!" and it immediately had me stick to it like a leech and I went ahead and completed it quite quickly (given that it just runs into 100 odd pages). The book was so impressive, that I did a back-to-back reading of the second book too -"Fish! Sticks".

Coming to the point, these books are about how one should have a positive attitude towards work, towards changing environment and more than anything a real positive attitude towards LIFE. Both the books have imaginary stories wonderfully inter twining the essence of having a "great attitude" towards life.

Now, what has all this to do with Fish at the first place? Well, for all the curious minds, I would very much encourage to go ahead and read the books and it will be quite a pleasant surprise when you find it out. The best part is, I got to read this book at the exact right time; a time when I have recently taken an altogether different route in my professional life. Moving out of Sun Microsystems and joining Informatica was a decision I took a week back. Such a drastic change, mandates me to have really high energy in a fresh environment and lot of positive attitude and confidence to standing upto new expectations. And I hope to do this by believing in the Fish Philosophy


Rahul said...

You moving to Informatica. Thats news. Anyways, all the best.

Regarding the books you mentioned, I used to read self-help books. But after reading "I moved your cheese", I have stopped reading them :-)

Srini said...

Patil->Thanks for ur wishes. Btw, these self-help books are very subjective in the way we look at it. I agree even I haven't really imbibed all the great points all the time!

Harshit->Thanks for the pointer. I will surely read the book