Wednesday, March 23, 2005


The blogging fever caught me last April and since then I had been on and off blogging around and reading way too many blogs written by my friends, acquaintances and sometimes total strangers across the globe. The point I am trying to make here is that, my initial enthusiasm to blog has actually spawned from one blog to four blogs today!

The one you are reading right now of course is my primary blog (I like to call this my primary blog for the simple reason that I started this one first-no strings attached!).

I got carried away with my so called photography skills and started off a photo blog with the idea that some day mine will be in the "Photos of the Year". Around that time, the Bitsian Blog idea was floated across and I immediately jumped into action to be a vivid contributor. These days, I am more of a vivid reader when it comes to this blog.

And finally, a few days back, I started of a technical blog with the intention to write about the various technologies that I come across in my professional life (which from the past few months have been quite a lot!)

Given all this, one may well ask, where on earth will I find time to do work, if I spend time updating my many blogs? A very valid question, but I prefer to remain taciturn on answering this question (some attitude-huh?)


Jax said...

All the best in your endeavours, da.

Rahul said...


Look what I found on the net.

Keep blogging.

Rahul Patil ( Pots )