Thursday, January 13, 2005

FUD Factor

FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainity, Doubt. FUD is achieved by attempting to instill a sense of fear, uncertainty or doubt in the minds of consumers regarding a competitor's product. The word or the acronym gained official status, thanks to IBM who's claim to fame was to play a key role in coining this word (Read more to find out how -

Another interesting incident happened in the internet world, when HP's VP tried to create FUD about the newly launched Solaris 10 from Sun. The interesting part is not the FUD from the VP, but a fitting response from a passionate developer from the open source community. I innocently unleash the power of blog by providing the link to the reply. Read on...

Elaborate information about FUD, its elements and how to recognize and stay away from it, is very well portrayed in this article -

Finally, I got to know about FUD when my manager recently mentioned it during a meeting. Interesting information and a cool acronym.

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