Monday, January 03, 2005

And the word of the year 2004 is...

Before I mention the word, it makes sense to write a few lines about it. The activity caught on like wild fire and spread across engulfing everyone-from a school kid all the way upto CEO's. People love to write, like to read and and crave for
viewers and comments. There are people who stick to writing only technical stuff, while other's like to write about anything under the face of the sun. CEO's love bitching about other companies and avow to themselves and the larger community that their organization is like an unstoppable rebel force heading straight towards the pinnacle of success and glory. Photographers wanted their share too and I've come across some of the best photos in the recent months. This is what is called an e-revolution. Mobile technology is already making waves across and it caught upon the word to to start the m-revolution, if I may say that. After all, the attempt
here is sincere and it only proves to bring the world into a close and well-knit community. The effect of the activity has gone to such extremes that there are professionals available to help you in the efforts if you want the publicity but
don't have the time and patience to sit down and punch in your thoughts, surely makes one agape in wonder!

Having said all this, it is time to introduce the word. For those who have already got it, congratulations, you are part of the revolution. And for the others, the word is "Blog". Yes, this is the official word of the year 2004. I see so many people caught on to blogging. Each blog site seems to outdo the other in terms of creative presentation and excellent style of writing. So, if you are not into blogging yet, it is time to get into. It is fun to blog, atleast to me.

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