Thursday, August 04, 2005

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and..

Bangalore suddenly seemed hot and humid
Friday didn't bring in the chorus cheers of TGIF (I vaguely remember someone calling it OGIF - Oh! God, itz Friday)
The couch potato in me was whining about the programs or lack of in the numerous channels.
The mouse potato in me was frowning at the very look of the computer
Friends looked liked strangers and strangers looked like aliens (I didn't want to think how aliens would've looked like!)
The traffic looked like leeches and earthworms climbing on each other

I could've gone further, but the mind had to be controlled lest it would wander astray with more preposterous thoughts.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed is definitely not a good idea, but doesn't one have to sleep first to wake up?

1 comment:

Rahul said...

Gosh, exactly the stuff which happened with me this Thursday. Had this really wild party on Wednesday night.