Friday, October 29, 2004

I'm in Sophia da...

I wanted to enquire about Anna's betrothal (Anand's sobriquet that can keep you guessing his gender!) that happened last Sunday. So I casually picked up the phone
and dialed his mobile number. The ring tone was quite different than usual but I did not think that it was unusual. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello". I replied back saying, "Hello Anna, this is Srini here. You at office? meeting?"
And his reply really took me off guard. He said, "Dey, I'm in Sophia da. Just landed now". That was quite amazing because I just spoke to that guy a week back and there was no news about his travelling. All of a sudden, the guy was airborne and in a different
part of the world. It was quite thrilling to note that a local call ended up being an international one! Enjoy your stay Anna and drink a lot of buttermilk! :)

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