Sunday, August 08, 2004

Out of hibernation

It has been more than a couple of months since I blogged here. I did not want my initial enthu to blog to fizz out like a cola, but sometimes priorities are different and certain activities take the back seat all the time. Today I decided to do a "priority inversion" and end my hibernation. This could end up being a pretty long blog if I have to write about everything over these months, so I will just summarize the main events (ok you read it,I don't remember half of what I did over these months!).

June zoomed past me while I was buried in reading a whole bunch of articles, documentsand technology stuff for my new project (can't put more info as it is an Intellectual Property!). Weekends came by and went and so did my visits to Coimbatore and Chennai.

In the first week of July, the four of us (parents,brother and myself) went to Thirupathi-a long due to visit Venky (our family diety!). We saw a couple of nearby temples around this city and spent a nice weekend out there. The remaining days of the month saw me through with not much of activities (except of course for the work!).

That was a quick jump to the present day and from now on I'll try and make my presence here more often that not.

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